Updating Results

Ability Action Australia

  • 100 - 500 employees

Office & Workplace at Ability Action Australia

7.3 rating for Workplace, based on 23 reviews
Please comment on your company's office space, location and facilities. And while we're at it, please tell us a little about the dress code.
Offices are shared with parent company and while good, it would be nice to have our own space. Smart casual dress code
Graduate, Brisbane
Office spaces are okay, currently being renovated and new spaces explored. Facilities could be more accessible and inclusive. More clinic spaces in different suburbs are needed. Dress code is smart casual but I like that it is more casual.
Graduate, Melbourne
The office spaces are central and the Chapel St office has rooms that can be used for therapy. Office dress code is smart casual
Graduate, Melbourne
The dress code is smart business casual. The office space is very new and still trying to get furniture.
Graduate, Perth
location is central however I feel that the office space is small to accommodate such a fast growing company. Would like to see more refreshments in the kitchen area.
Graduate, Sydney
I have only had the chance to visit 1 office space due to COVID-19. This office space is okay, however small. Dress code is very casual
Graduate, Melbourne
Great location in centre of Sydney, amazing views of harbour, large meeting rooms, individual desks for personal work, large kitchen and seating area, lots of printers, clean toilets Dress code - smart casual
Graduate, Sydney
The office is new and in the process of still being set up, but they have provided quality equipment and are still continuing to source supplies
Graduate, Perth
New office is good, everyone has a desk, free parking, lots of natural light. The dress code is as expected for our industry.
Graduate, Perth
smart casual
Graduate, VIC
Currently Brisbane is sharing office space with another MedHealth company, but there are plans for a dedicated office space this year.
Graduate, Brisbane
It is an ongoing effort of all managers to find the suitable office - the office is being discussed/organised Professional attire: polo shirt with Ability Action Australia logo and black/dark trousers
Graduate, North Brisbane
I'm located in Brisbane and the office there is too small now so they are in the process of finding another one, so we don't go into the office regularly at the moment.
Graduate, Brisbane
Have not been there yet so I cannot comment on this
Graduate, Gold Coast
Only just moved to our new office and there is still a lot to do to create a great space. i.e. furniture still to arrive,
Midlevel, Perth
Open plan office with lots of natural light, a kitchen and meeting rooms. Dress code is smart casual and we have a company top that we can chose to wear.
Graduate, Perth, WA
really nice
Graduate, Sydney
Unknown - never attended on site
Graduate, Melbourne
Graduate, Mooloolaba

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