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Akuna Capital

  • #6 in Trading
  • 100 - 500 employees

Job Satisfaction at Akuna Capital

8.8 rating for Job Satisfaction, based on 13 reviews
Please comment on your role and day-to-day responsibilities.
A great balance between managing trading strategies, and doing research to extend and develop new strategies
Graduate, Sydney
Really interesting projects. Currently I am researching and building out a production version of a new strategy designed by a trader.
Midlevel, Sydney
My role is to constantly observe what's happening in the market, and how our automated trading system is performing. I look at whether various parameters to our models need to be tweaked, and also think of ways to improve our setup. This could include having more visibility on various things, adding automation to manual tasks, conducting analysis on how we could better react to market events.
Midlevel, Sydney
Focus on individual and large group projects. Sometimes it takes weeks to finish experiments, documentation, and presentation.
Graduate, Sydney
As a trader, I'm responsible for overseeing our automated trading systems. This includes making sure it's behaving the way we'd expect, working with Devs on bugs to fix, or testing new features to implement. I also conduct research on potential new opportunities, and build tools to help us capitalize on those opportunities. It's exciting to know that my actions daily have a clear and noticeable impact on the bottom line.
Midlevel, Sydney
Working on the Vals/Quant team, my role involves both bridging the gap between our quant research work and our prop systems as well as building mechanisms to improve our research capability.
Intern, Perth
It is a mix of keeping old systems alive and trying to build new systems on infrastructure.
Graduate, Sydney, Australia