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  • #2 in Law
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Office & Workplace at Ashurst

8.4 rating for Workplace, based on 27 reviews
Please comment on your company's office space, location and facilities. And while we're at it, please tell us a little about the dress code.
Great locations in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. Dress code is "dress for your day" so usually very casual office attire
Graduate, Brisbane
Location and building facilities are fantastic. Limited natural lighting in parts of the office, but currently no hot-desking (with the exception of paralegals who work on an ad-hoc basis). Multiple coffee options in the kitchen, and kitchen amenities are exceptionally well kept.
Graduate, Perth
The firm is moving offices soon, so although the rating isn't as high as it could be I am sure that will change with the move. Dress code is also pretty flexible, common sense applies
Graduate, Sydney
Facilities are adequate, location is excellent.
Graduate, Brisbane
The office is currently great and situated in the best part of the city. Dress code varies by team but will usually be corporate attire.
Graduate, Sydney
Our office is great, however I think the Melbourne office (when I visited) is outstanding. I look forward to the new Sydney office that hopefully emulates Melbourne a bit more. I take issue with the lack of desks in certain teams. I find it confusing that the firm wants 60% in-office work, however on some floors clearly does not have enough desks. E.g. in my previous team, there were 5 full time team members hot desking for lack of space. I tend to dress more corporate than some others in the firm, saving my jeans for just casual Fridays. However, I think a dress for your day approach is appropriate - provided everyone looks neat and tidy. I personally prefer the old school, corporate style - I do think it looks neater overall.
Graduate, Sydney
Brilliant location, lovely offices, end of trip facilities in the building. Dress for your day dress code policy.
Graduate, Perth
Office is very nice, corporate casual is the dress code unless going to a client meeting or court.
Graduate, Brisbane
Very nice offices. Closed office spaces so minimal noise from meetings etc (no open plan layout).
Graduate, Brisbane
The location is great - at the top of Collins Street. The desks are nice and there are lots of meeting rooms. The end of trip facilities are good.
Graduate, Melbourne