Updating Results

BAE Systems Australia

  • #1 in Defence & aerospace
  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Sustainability at BAE Systems Australia

7.1 rating for Sustainability, based on 38 reviews
Please comment on your company's efforts in this area.
There is a net zero target
Graduate, Melbourne
BAE systems are a business that operates responsibility and sustainability. Sustainability is fundamental to business performance and the delivery of our sustainability agenda is how we address our material Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) risks and opportunities.
Graduate, Adelaide
As it's a manufacturing environment, it's hard to be 100% sustainable. When rooms are not in use, lights are turned off, there are a variety of bins for different waste (recyclable plastics, compost, general waste, paper, etc) and there are also waste water and facilities to prevent toxic chemicals from being dumped down a drain that leads to the oceans. Scrapped parts are reused to prevent wastage.
Graduate, Adelaide
BAE is having a big sustainability push
Graduate, Adelaide
The company has a very big focus on sustainability which can be seen through the constant efforts of recycling in the office and within the projects and by also increasing efforts of going carbon neutral.
Graduate, Adelaide
They have recycle bins in the office, but people use these still for non-recyclable coffee cups, which the company also provides in the kitchen for some reason rather than just providing additional mugs. I am not aware of any sustainability efforts in our office.
Graduate, Melbourne
We have a sustainability working group in our sector.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Newcastle
Would like to hear more about how we are incorporating more from process and production element.
Graduate, Adelaide
Do not hear much about it so not too sure.
Graduate, Adelaide
I would love to know more about the companies sustainability efforts and requirements for Subcontractors and Shipyard, but I do not know enough to comment on this.
Graduate, Adelaide