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Application Process & Interviews at Coles

8.0 rating for Recruitment, based on 44 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
Interview process was extremely long, I started the first round of screening in February and did not get confirmation until August that I had the role.
Graduate, Melbourne
Psychometric testing 45 min interview with 3 managers
Graduate, Melbourne
Application, aptitude testing, one way video interview, online assessment centre, then offered role.
Graduate, Melbourne
The interview process was a pretty long one. Applications open in February and the interview process kicked off in April if your application is successful. 1. Completing an online assessment is the first part. These assessments cover personality quizzes (where you read a scenario and then rate from 1-5 most like me or least like me) and multiple choice what would you do in this scenario. 2. If successful, you will complete a video interview online. 3. If successful, you will attend a virtual discovery centre session, where you complete activities in a group setting. Typically you will hear around June/July if you're successful and work commences in February the following year.
Graduate, Melbourne
4 rounds of assessments: (1) cognitive/critical thinking/language skills test, (2) one-way interview where answers are recorded and sent in, (3) group interview, (4) 1-1 interview
Graduate, Melbourne
Hiring process was long and included many stages, however, is as expected for a graduate program
Graduate, Melbourne
- Online application - Online assessments - Video interview (very quick, couple of questions) - Assessment centre (Discovery Centre); group and individual sections
Graduate, Melbourne
Very thorough and rigorous process. -Apply via portal -Complete psychometric testing -Complete one way video -Complete based interview (group assessment + one on one interview)
Graduate, Melbourne
Pretty easy
Graduate, Melbourne
The interview process is meticulous and contains many rounds. You feel as though you are brought along the recruitment journey and each activity has merit to the role you have applied for. I would however advise that is a lengthy process with more than five stages.
Graduate, Melbourne
long but entertaining
Graduate, Melbourne
Graduate, Melbourne
Online tests, pre recorded video interview, group interview and individual interview
Graduate, Melbourne
interview process was great! A bit lengthy though for the graduate program.
Graduate, Melbourne
Fo graduates, we had psychometrics, a discovery center which included a group activity, and then a one-on-one interview.
Graduate, Melbourne
long but entertaining
Graduate, Melbourne
There was a range of stages (SOVA assessment, video interview, discovery centre), each of which respected my time and allowed me to demonstrate my strengths.
Graduate, Melbourne
Interview process was way to long
Graduate, Melbourne
Interview for the Grad program is just as extensive as majority. - Online application - Online cognitive assessment - Video interview - Discovery Centre (a.k.a AC)
Graduate, Melbourne
Intense and long recruitment process with multiple stages
Graduate, Melbourne
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
What are your hobbies? What strengths outside of your degree & academics do you bring to the role? Describe a difficult situation you experienced at work and describe how you overcame it. In university or work, how well have you worked in teams? Give examples of good and bad experiences.
Graduate, Melbourne
Questions were similar to "tell us a time where you were in a new situation and how did you navigate this", "explain when you had to adapt to a new process quickly" etc. Unable to remember completely as this was over a year ago now.
Graduate, Melbourne
What Coles value/behaviour do you align most with and why?
Graduate, Melbourne
- Company values I resonate with - Situation where I recieved feedback - Skill I've recently developed
Graduate, Melbourne
Why did you choose this stream?
Graduate, Melbourne
generic interview questions
Graduate, Melbourne
Questions relating to the Coles culture and values to ensure I was aligned with their corporate views. Moreover, general understanding of what my duties would be and an understanding of the role I had applied for.
Graduate, Melbourne
general interview questions which were more soft skill targeted than hard skills
Graduate, Melbourne
Why do you want to work here?
Graduate, Melbourne
Why do you want ot join our company? Which values to do you most resonate with? What is your hobbies?
Graduate, Melbourne
Why do you think you would be a good fit for Coles?, Why the graduate program?, what could you bring to the company and your team?
Graduate, Melbourne
general interview questions which were more soft skill targeted than hard skills
Graduate, Melbourne
I was asked many behavioral questions, as well as some that tested my knowledge of Coles (which value do you most align with, what excites you most about Coles?).
Graduate, Melbourne
Time management, ability to handle conflicting priorities
Graduate, Melbourne
How you would deal with specific scenarios
Graduate, Melbourne
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Graduate, Melbourne
Many different types of questions surrounding relationships, challenging colleagues/scenarios, previous successes, strengths and weaknessses etc.
Graduate, Melbourne
Why do you want to work for the Company?
Graduate, Melbourne
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Be prepared to answer questions & do activities that relate to Coles as a retailer, as well as, our mission & values.
Graduate, Melbourne
Think about what impact you'd have on Coles as a company - questions like these can come up in interview questions. Be sure to research what projects and initiatives Coles is working on in recent times.
Graduate, Melbourne
reflect on all past workplaces and come up with some examples to times where you used teamwork skills, adapted to a new situation, ran into a challenging situation, or anything else that you are proud of in your working career. This helped me the best when I was asked interview questions as I already had a list of examples ready to go.
Graduate, Melbourne
- Be yourself. Let your personality shine through. - Don't leave submissions to the last minute. - Set up a nice quiet space to complete interview activities.
Graduate, Melbourne
Be yourself and take initiative in the group assessment task.
Graduate, Melbourne
Don't try to overplay your experience / skills - treat it as if you are talking to someone, rather than being interrogated. This lets you connect more with the interviewer. Also, know the company values inside and out and relate to it as much as possible.
Graduate, Melbourne
Ask specific questions to the function
Graduate, Melbourne
know the company values
Graduate, Melbourne
Research the company, values, read news articles, understand how your own values align with the company and practice your interviewing skills!
Graduate, Melbourne
Reading up upon company's Values and which ones resonate most within you. Be yourself. Company is looking at more 'people' people.
Graduate, Melbourne
Learn about Coles, be confident in your answers for interview questions, be confident about the skills that you have already and ensure you prepare for your interview with mock questions. Adapting to the nature of the conversation will also help create rapport - but ensure to insert the boundary of being too friendly and still maintaining professionalism
Graduate, Melbourne
know the company values
Graduate, Melbourne
They should research the company to have a thorough understanding of who Coles, is what they do and why. They should also have a range of examples that they can apply to interview questions using the STAR method.
Graduate, Melbourne
To engage in teamwork during the interview process and ensure you show your teamwork skills
Graduate, Melbourne
Always have Coles' values and mission in mind when answering questions. Make it relatable to yourself and the company, because they want to see how you fit in with them.
Graduate, Melbourne
Be yourself, show personality
Graduate, Melbourne
Be confident and lead during group tasks but don't dominate. ask the person who hasn't said much their opinion.
Graduate, Melbourne
Look at the values page and speak to them
Graduate, Melbourne
Be outgoing and passionate
Graduate, Melbourne
Use every single advantage that you have at your disposal. Of the grads that were successful, a large proportion of them mentioned leaning on their friends, family and colleagues for assistance with the interview process. Run your presentation past them, ask them for interview questions and do as much research on Coles as a business as you can.
Graduate, Melbourne