Updating Results

Cor Cordis

  • 100 - 500 employees

Samantha Trikolas

Sam graduated with a Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Accounting from Monash University in 2019 and is now working as a Senior Accountant at Cor Cordis.

7:10 AM

My alarm goes off and after what feels like 5 minutes (but is more like 15 minutes) of scrolling down my social media feeds, for any updates on the current COVID situation, I give myself a little push to get out of bed, put on my activewear and do my 28-minute home workout. I cool off, have a shower, make some breakfast, and enjoy a much-awaited coffee.

8:30 AM

I am ready to start my day. I start off by checking my emails and responding to anything that may have come through after hours (given the flexible working conditions most people are working under). I write a list of tasks for the day and number them based on their urgency and begin to work through them.

I get a message from my manager and supervisor advising they out on site for a trade on job which we were appointed on yesterday afternoon. A COVID safe plan is in action at the job, whereby trade on is only allowed because it is considered an essential industry.

10:00 AM

We have our weekly team meeting (held through Microsoft teams) in half an hour. I review the tasks I have completed for the week and upcoming tasks which need to be completed in the near future.
Our team meeting is held (with a camera on rule!), with my manager and supervisor on site. We have some general chat and check in, about life in insolation, and the team tasks are all addressed. We always finish off with a bit of banter to keep everyone smiling during the difficult times. We are urged to get out and go for a walk to at least give a sense of normality. 

The people in our team who are working on the current trade on matter hang back in the meeting to discuss a plan of action for the day/week to come. 

11:00 AM

It is snack time! I cut up some fruit, have some yogurt and make myself another coffee. 
Yesterday, I drafted and sent out day 1 notices to the necessary parties on the new trade on matter. Today, there is a lot that needs to be done for the appointment - there are various additional stakeholders who need to be notified of the appointment and arrangements that need to be made. I draft letters and emails and send them through to my manager for approval.

1:00 PM

It is lunch time! Today is a beautiful day, so I make myself something to eat and head out for a walk around the parklands.

2:00 PM

My manager has reviewed the letters and emails, provided me with further instruction in relation to them, and he has sent them through to the partner on the job for approval. 

My supervisor is beginning to put together a trading workbook for the trade on (including budgeted cash flows). She has asked for my assistance in gathering the applicable data for the cash flow. I remotely get onto the company’s management accounts, begin to extract the information that is relevant, and send the updates through to her in real time. We need to ensure it is commercially viable to keep the business trading during these difficult times.3:00 pm

The partner has reviewed and approved the correspondence. I collate the applicable documents and ensure they are all signed. I send off the correspondence to the applicable parties. 
I then continue to extract the relevant information for the cash flow. 

4:00 PM

It has become apparent that the new trade on matter has a large amount of debtors that remain outstanding and may be recoverable. 

I begin to draft a debtor schedule as an excel spreadsheet, to determine a plan of action for each debtor, and to keep track of any movements or updates on the status of the collectability of the debts. I use the company’s management accounts to assist with this.  

5:00 PM

I look at the time and think to myself how is it already 5 o’clock? I put together a plan of action for tomorrow, in tackling these debtor demands to best assist in continuing the trade on of the Company.

5:30 PM

I ensure my timesheet is all up to date, do a final check of my emails and walk 10 steps to the couch to watch an episode of Friends or Everybody Loves Raymond before I start to cook dinner. I find it is always best to end a long day with a laugh and some nice food!