Updating Results

Essential Energy

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Alex Kroon

I’ve developed and made strategic suggestions on how the company can address existing issues. This is a great opportunity to throw around ideas on technical solutions and discuss the engineering designs for our assets.

6.45 AM

Wake up and get dressed for the day. Give my dog a quick cuddle before I start work for the day.

7.00 AM

Log on to my computer and start by checking and responding to any emails that may have come through since yesterday. I’ll check my calendar to see what meetings are in store for the day and check my own to-do list to develop a bit of a plan for what I’ll try and get done.

7.15 AM

Start working on a project. This usually involves a fair bit of data analysis and customising some SQL queries to pull the relevant data on our assets. Then I’ll pull this into a visualisation tool to graphically represent the data in a meaningful way to communicate with others where the highest needs are for investment/intervention on our asset base.

Essential Energy

9.00 AM

Team meeting to catch-up and discuss what we are all working on and share ideas on strategies with eachother. Also a great chance to chat about anything exciting we’ve got going on in our personal lives.

10.30 AM

Meet my manager out at the local zone substation for a quick site visit to inspect control equipment and examine new 11kV circuit-breakers.

Essential Energy

12.30 PM

Back home for a stakeholder meeting for one of the projects I’m working on. I get the chance to present one of the visualisation reports I’ve developed and make strategic suggestions on how the company can address existing issues. This is a great opportunity to throw around ideas on technical solutions and discuss the engineering designs for our assets.

1.30 PM

Lunch time! The morning has flown by and its time to heat up some leftovers and sit outside in the sun on the back deck. I usually take this time to play a bit of fetch with my dog in the back yard.

2.00 PM

Time to get back into it for the afternoon and work more on my report and use the outputs of my visualisation to develop a summary document to outline the key findings of the investigation. This gives me the opportunity to put words around some visuals and concisely document what it is that I was looking in to. This document will later be reviewed by my colleagues to then be circulated with the leadership committee and hopefully the recommendations will be approved to be operationalised within the next few months.

3.30 PM

Time to sign off for the day. I usually finish by updating my to-do list with any thoughts I’ve had throughout the day and how I can improve any projects I’ve been working on.

Time to do a bit of work on the house. Painting, garden work, electrical, laundry renovations.

5.30 PM

I take my dog out for a run along the beach / trails and enjoy a beautiful Port Macquarie afternoon.

Essential Energy

6.30 PM

Time to cook/eat some dinner and enjoy time with the family.

9.00 PM

Bedtime. Get a good night’s rest before another day at work… Or maybe tomorrow will be my day off (I love working on a 9-day fortnight!).