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Honeywell Australia and New Zealand

  • #11 in Technology
  • > 100,000 employees

Salary at Honeywell Australia and New Zealand

8.4 rating for Salary, based on 9 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
Could be better bonuses
Graduate, Perth
We get a competitive base salary but no bonuses unfortunately.
Graduate, Perth
Pay is great, pay rise will depend on performance even for graduate you can get pay rise if you outperformed.
Graduate, Rivervale
Pay is good, bonus's not applicable for my role.
Graduate, Sydney
Pay very well, but also expect you to work very hard. Most senior engineers work well above the 40 hours without compensation most weeks
It's very solid at a grad level. Bonuses aren't generally much but for a grad job the pay is overall pretty good.
Graduate, Melbourne
Salary and pay is good in comparison to the industry
Graduate, Melbourne
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
Cash back rewards but pretty average
Graduate, Perth
A lot of Perks in America as it is an American based company.
Graduate, Perth
Free coffees
Graduate, Rivervale
Honeywell signs up to a benefits scheme which offers discounts to major retailers. Most notably discounts like 5% at Coles, Woolworths, JB-Hifi. There are also perks with Bupa Health plans and AMP Superannuation (Honeywell pays all fees)
Graduate, Sydney
NONE (except honeywell uniform if desired)
I recently had a two-week trip to Sydney to help out another team up there. I was put in a nice hotel for 11 nights and had nearly all expenses paid for. Good experience! Another great perk has been the vehicle mileage allowances for driving to and from sites. I know engineers at other companies who don't get reimbursed for their mileage at all.
Graduate, Melbourne
Travel and expenses card to claim movements between sites etc
Graduate, Melbourne