Updating Results

Honeywell Australia and New Zealand

  • #11 in Technology
  • > 100,000 employees

Training & Personal Development at Honeywell Australia and New Zealand

8.0 rating for Training, based on 8 reviews
Please describe the training programmes at your company and tell us what skills you've picked up.
Most of the training right now is directly from my buddies. Honeywell has facilitated a lot of online training for Graduates due to the COVID-19 pandamic.
Graduate, Perth
Online training for software use personally isn't super effective for my learning style. Learning on the job is more effective and relevant to the work needing to be required. But learning can be hard when people aren't free to help you.
I've been involved in a lot of internal and external training. Most of it has been internal training on my company's products. Through this I've really fast-tracked my knowledge of our product and this has helped me out in the field immensely.
Graduate, Melbourne
Quality of the training is good, however internal policies make it difficult to get time approved
Graduate, Melbourne