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Lockheed Martin Australia

  • #4 in Defence & aerospace
  • > 100,000 employees

Management at Lockheed Martin Australia

7.6 rating for Management, based on 7 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
Direct managers are very accessible, however higher than them is harder to interact with
Graduate, Adelaide
Very present management - their door is always open and the managers really make time to build relationships with you.
Graduate, Adelaide
Engineering managers are good, if a bit distanced from me. I haven't received much feedback
Graduate, Adelaide
My managers are very approachable and make excellent mentors. They organise regular catch ups to discuss work satisfaction, career goals, provide feedback, and seek feedback for themselves.
Graduate, Adelaide
They have a matrix management structure. So you'll have your technical manager, day to day on your project. Functional manager who is in charge of you, (leave, pay, career development) and an assigned mentor who will see you once a month. I have a great relationship with all three.
Graduate, Adelaide