Updating Results

Lockheed Martin Australia

  • #4 in Defence & aerospace
  • > 100,000 employees

Salary at Lockheed Martin Australia

7.6 rating for Salary, based on 7 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
They are average for graduates, bonuses are hard to earn for graduates
Graduate, Adelaide
Very competitive for a graduate salary. No bonuses available while in the graduate program.
Graduate, Adelaide
Decent graduate pay, although other competitors pay better. No bonuses
Graduate, Adelaide
Starts off below average for an engineering graduate which surprised me however the pay rises are 6 monthly along the grad program and are relatively good.
Graduate, Adelaide
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
Discounts/cash back on wide range of companies Industry plans such as novated lease, health and car insurance, links to various company product discounts
Graduate, Adelaide
9 day compacted fortnight which gives a day off every second week
Graduate, Adelaide
Opportunities to travel, but that is quite slim
Graduate, Adelaide
Discount program for various retailers.
Graduate, Adelaide
discounts at a lot of different places
Graduate, Adelaide
Discounts program that applies to almost everything. 5% off of fuel, 10% off JB-HiFi etc. Also, their rewards program allows to you get recognised by peers and cash the points in for gift cards. I was able to get myself some nice air pods after 12-months.
Graduate, Adelaide