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Lockheed Martin Australia

  • #4 in Defence & aerospace
  • > 100,000 employees

Working Hours at Lockheed Martin Australia

9.1 rating for Working Hours, based on 7 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
Company is generally quite flexible, days can be longer or shorter as long as the hours add up. Leave is also flexible, as well as the option for a 4-day week or 9-day fortnight for most employees.
Graduate, Adelaide
Generally flexible. Straight away, I was supported to WFH 1 day a week, plus the RDO is fantastic.
Graduate, Adelaide
Flexible working hours, but work from home is strongly discouraged for more than 1 day per week
Graduate, Adelaide
9 day fortnight. Office hours are not strict.
Graduate, Adelaide
Very flexible, we even have the option of working more hours and taking days off (4 day weeks)
Graduate, Adelaide
I work a 4 day compressed week, 7-5 with 30m for lunch. Company defaults to every second Friday off. They don't mind when your hours are done as long as you are available 9-3. Many people I work with will go home and work the last two hours at home at night to suit school/child daycare needs.
Graduate, Adelaide