Updating Results

L'Oréal Australia and New Zealand

  • #1 in Retail & consumer goods
  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Working Hours at L'Oréal Australia and New Zealand

7.5 rating for Working Hours, based on 23 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
Very flexible. 9-5 usually but allowances are made if you start earlier / start later. Good WFH policy
Graduate, Melbourne
My first rotation in the MT program was particularly intense given that we were a few people short in the team, and I was regularly working 12-14 hour days for some months, coming in before 8am and leaving after 7pm before continuing to work at home. Whilst I remain grateful for the learning opportunity and was able to contribute so much to that team, I was approaching burnout as I rotated out of the team. However, this got significantly better in my last month in the team, as we refilled the team and operated at a more appropriate headcount level. In my current rotation, my average day in the office is 8:15am - 6pm, however I choose to come in early and leave a little later due to my aversion to peak hour traffic. With my workload, I could quite comfortably work a 9-5.
Graduate, Melbourne
Depends on team. One of my teams had mandatory office days and limited WFH days but my new team is super flexible and doesn't impose anything.
Graduate, Melbourne
Quite flexible. On a given day there will be some team members in the office, others at home and perhaps even some working remotely. At the same time, some will start early and pick up their kids in the afternoon, while others start later at a time that suits them. On the whole, there is little concern about what hours are worked and when, provided tasks are completed on time.
Graduate, Melbourne
Strictly 9-5 currently but other roles can be more time demanding. Often dependent on you as an employee to know your boundaries to log off.
Graduate, Melbourne
Sometimes late nights are common, but they are not grueling
Graduate, Melbourne
Flexible working but we are often expected to have to work outside of hours to get the work done.
Graduate, Melbourne
I usually work after 5, but I am happy with this as I want to work later to get tasks finished. If you are in the office past 9 the team is very flexible and as long as you get the required work done no one cares.
Graduate, Melbourne
Flexible WFH , however really enjoy coming into the office. The office is vibrant and often busy,
Graduate, Melbourne
Extremely flexible which makes you feel supported.
Graduate, Melbourne
Quiet flexible if you need to flex sometimes on hours, as long as everything is completed to standard
Graduate, Melbourne
Hours are very reasonable and L'Oreal really encourage a good work-life balance with all their benefits that are given. When there is work to do you can stay longer hours, however that is very normal for any job. Besides that, you can leave at any time of the day if you have something important (in reason).
Graduate, Melbourne
Very flexible. My hours as an MT are really reasonable.
Graduate, Melbourne
Pretty flexible within reason! Dont have to stay past allocated work hours unless you choose to, but no pressure.
Graduate, Melbourne
I work from the office 4 days a week 8:30-5:30. They are very flexible when it comes to working in the office. I enjoy coming into the office and feel more productive when doing so, hence, only having 1 day a week from home.
Graduate, Melbourne