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Jessica Ames

6.45 AM

My alarm goes off and I quickly go to turn it off. I lie in bed and start thinking through the things I need to get done for the day, while still enjoying the warmth of my bed.

7.00 AM

I finally get the motivation to get out of bed and head to the kitchen to get myself some yoghurt and fruit for breakfast. I take my breakfast to the dining room table to eat with my family and have a chat with them as we are all trying to wake up.

7.15 AM

Knowing I have a ‘lunch and learn’ session today I grab some leftovers from last night’s dinner and pack it for lunch.  

7.20 AM

At this point I am eager to have a shower to properly wake myself up. I then get dressed in clothes I had set out the day before and put some makeup on.  

7.45 AM

Just before I leave, I check my notebook to see what I have on for the day, to ensure I am ready for any meetings.  

7.50 AM

I get a text from the Legal and Risk Summer Intern saying she is at my house, and I quickly go outside to drive to work with her. Throughout most of the internship, Jasmine and I have carpooled to and from work together.

RAA Graduate Jessica Ames work together

8.15 AM

I walk into the office and say hi to people and have a quick chat before I start setting up my computer for the day.

8.20 AM 

As my computer switches on I check my calendar and go over what I have to do for the day, and answer any urgent messages.

RAA Graduate Jessica Ames workstation

8.50 AM

Today I have the final interview for a volume recruitment of four call centre positions. I head over to the meeting room where the interview will be held, and meet with the hiring manger to review what we will be doing for the interview today.

9.00 AM

The interviewee has arrived, so I pick them up from the front desk, try to alleviate their nerves, and take them to our interview room and commence the interview.

9.45 AM

After the interview finishes up, I send the interviewee off and let them know what the process is from here. I discuss with the hiring manager who the top four applicants are, and if we would like to progress them to the next stage of reference-checking. We then talk through the final stages of the recruitment process.

10.00 AM

I now call the applicants who are progressing to the reference-checking stage to let them know, and to ask for their references.

11.00 AM

Once all the references have been sent through to me and the applicants have been told they will be getting a call, I start calling the referees and doing reference checks. This often involves a bit of phone tag but eventually I get a hold of all of them. After performing all the checks, I then send through the reference checks to the hiring manager to look over, and ask if they want to offer them the job.


12.00 PM

I quickly heat up my lunch and head over to the intern lunch and learn session. I love catching up with the other interns and seeing how they are all going. This week is about presentation skills, and we have a lot of fun doing a few activities and working on our skills.

RAA Graduate Jessica Ames meeting 

1.00 PM

Back at my desk, I check my emails and see that the hiring manager wants to offer the four candidates the position, so I get to do my favourite part of my job – offering people…the job! Once they accept, I then pass their details on to the HR Support Officer and they take over from there.

2.00 PM

Now that the four positions have been filled, I need to do my least favourite part of my job – sending emails to unsuccessful applicants.

3.00 PM

Now that I have finished that recruitment process, I can help my manager with some of his recruitment projects. Today this involves booking interviews for next week.

4.00 PM

With my last hour, I work on one of my research projects which is about developing a business case for an employee referral program.

4.45 PM

Before I finish up for the day, I look at my calendar to see what I have on the next day, and write a to-do list for the following day.

RAA Graduate Jessica Ames workstation

5.00 PM

I start packing up my desk and then head over to the legal and risk department to meet up with Jas so we can head home.  

5.40 PM

After heavy traffic, I make it home and change into some comfy clothes.

6.00 PM

My fiancé arrives at my place and has dinner with me and my family. We then start doing some wedding research and book in visiting wedding venues.

8.00 PM

After a day of work and ticking some wedding tasks off our list, we decide to just relax on the couch and watch some old episodes of How I Met Your Mother.  

9.30 PM

My fiancé heads back to his place and I start getting ready for bed.

10.00 PM

I hop into bed, set my alarm for the next day, and go to sleep ready for another fun day tomorrow.

Jess was employed as an HR Support Officer at the conclusion of RAA’s Summer Internship Program.