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RSM Australia

  • #9 in Accounting & advisory
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Diversity at RSM Australia

8.5 rating for Diversity, based on 48 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
Not really pushed/promoted. Doesn't seem exceptionally different to any other company.
Graduate, Regional WA
Women outnumber men in the office, there is a lenient maternity leave policy.
Graduate, Perth
Lots of commitment to diversity
Graduate, ACT
The workplace has good range of diversity, everyone is included inside and outside the office. There is a range of nearly 50% of the office being male and 50% being female
Intern, Wagga Wagga
Empower committee provides lots of events and opportunities for diversity.
Graduate, Brisbane
RSM is extremely diverse and offers opportunities to everyone and partakes in many in office activities on respective days.
Intern, Albury
The company seems to be committed to recruitment of different ethnicities and more recruiting the person who is best for the job, I believe there is a little bit of an imbalance in particular levels but that is due to the types of people applying (the market) for the job not necessarily the decision of who is recruited.
Graduate, Brisbane
Extremely friendly
Does not apply to me personally. No comment.
Graduate, Sydney
The firm is incredibly inclusive in terms of diversity.
Graduate, Canberra
Very diverse company in general. Had a social night based on the diversity for Harmony week.
Graduate, Melbourne
We celebrate and recognize different days regularly and there seems to be no lack of diversity from the people I have met.
Graduate, Bunbury
no issues to comment on
Graduate, Perth
There is a community feel around the workplace and everyone is involved within the office.
Intern, Bunbury
Diversity with different cultures and women being present in the office. There seems to be an issue with recruitment as 6 people have left in 6 months however none have been replaced. Company seems to struggle with retention as not many staff have been here longer then 5 years and many people are stressed and not enjoying working here.
Graduate, Gosford
No comment
Graduate, Adelaide
A lot of promotion around LGBTQI+ and cultural inclusivity but the workplace is predominantly Caucasian.
Graduate, Brisbane
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?
Not aware of anything.
Graduate, Regional WA
RSM offers a lot of perks once employed and working for 6 months. They strive to make sure you maintain work-life balance and are happy with the work you are doing
Intern, Wagga Wagga
I don't believe there is anything in place at this time.
Graduate, Brisbane
The support that they give to bridge the gap
The company treats applicants from less privileged backgrounds the same.
Graduate, Sydney
I don't know to be able to answer this question.
Graduate, Canberra
Unsure. Possibly being very country focused helps attract some.
Graduate, Bunbury
I am unsure how the company approaches this.
Graduate, Gosford
Understanding and getting to know the applicants in a deeper manner
Graduate, Adelaide