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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Edward Goodwin

What does your job involve? 

My job consists of identifying bottlenecks/operational issues within the plant and designing and managing (contractors, internal or external work needed) the solutions to these.

Going back in time when you were at university, what three pieces of advice would you give yourself as a student?

Focus on:

  • Building your ability to communicate, compromise and influence within a team
  • Never think because you have a degree you know more/are smarter than those around you (operators understand their job/work materials very well)
  • Admit your mistakes and learn from them, this is the best way to avoid repeating them

What is your experience of the company culture?

Company culture is good at an interpersonal level with everyone being friendly and the staff is really passionate about doing the best that they can. People respect when you stand up for your position even when they don’t agree.

What opportunities did the Visy Graduate Program provide you?

The graduate program allowed me to explore/understand a large variety of machinery across multiple products with the rotations offered. It also helped me to develop project management with support when required but left me free to run projects myself.

What attracted you to the Visy Graduate Program?

I was attracted to Visy due to positive interactions with the company previously as a customer. The graduate program was attractive due to the rotations that moved me not only through different sections of the business but also through very different manufacturing sites.

What skills from your degree did you utilise in the Graduate Program?

The main skills I have utilised are teamwork, problem solving, software operation (excel, CAD programs) and time analysis tools.

What have been the highlights of your Graduate Program experience thus far?

Highlights have been redesigning an entire conveying system, tendering the work and supervising the installation as leader of the project.

What is your #1 tip for graduates thinking of applying for the Visy Graduate Program?

Be yourself during the assessments, there is no point trying to put on a persona as this will catch you out when you begin work

What do you enjoy most about working at Visy?

The friendly colleagues and day to day challenges.

What is your favourite part/most challenging aspect about working at Visy?

Having to work with all the operational aspects within the plant to allow the projects I am doing to be implemented and completed.