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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Office & Workplace at Wood.

7.5 rating for Workplace, based on 12 reviews
Please comment on your company's office space, location and facilities. And while we're at it, please tell us a little about the dress code.
Green initiatives are implemented such as automatic lighting and recycling. Office space, layout and location are all practical. A formal dress code applies Mon - Thurs, particularly if engaging Clients/Contractors. Friday is casual.
Graduate, Perth
Ideal city location, with the office split across three floors. The building has facilities for bicycle storage, showers and lockers.
Graduate, Melbourne
Good location. Normal office dress code with casual Fridays.
Graduate, Perth
Office is a bit cramped. Dress code is business attire (no tie required) with option for smart casual dress on Fridays.
Graduate, Perth
I work on site so generally jeans and a shirt. PPE when leaving the office. In the city, business attire. Offices (both on site and city) are very nice.
Graduate, Melbourne
Lots of different meetings rooms with good IT facilities.
Graduate, Melbourne
Excellent location. Office and internals are a bit old, not enough windows and natural light. Kitchen facilities are standard, but coffee machines are rubbish. Toilets are good. Dress is not strict, just need to look professional enough - casual Friday's also encouraged and strongly participated in.
Graduate, Perth
Space is fine, building's a bit old and shabby. Coffee machines could be replaced so all floors have the same. Taps and toilets are breaking down too often with no back-up plan in place. Dress code is fine.
Graduate, Perth