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TAL Australia

  • #7 in Banking & financial services
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

How is the onboarding process as a business graduate at TAL

TAL Australia

Based on Bella's experience as a Business Graduate at TAL, the onboarding process is quite engaging. During the first week, new graduates participate in an induction week that offers an exciting start to their journey at TAL. The induction begins with a session led by the CEO, where they provide insights into TAL's values and the CEO's own organizational journey. 

Toward the week's end, new graduates have the opportunity to meet their fellow program participants – the current grads – creating an initial sense of community. This week culminates in an activity organized through TAL's education provider, Fuel. This activity serves as a networking and learning opportunity, enabling the new grads to connect with each other, share experiences, and grow together. It's a dynamic way to kick-start their TAL experience.