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What Interests You About This Role? 5 Impressive Answers

Amina Ibrahim

Discover the key to standing out from the competition during a job interview with 5 impressive answers on what interests you about this role.

So you land the perfect graduate job interview, only to find yourself lost for words when they ask you the question, “What interests you about this role?” It is that all-too-relatable situation that many recent graduates find themselves in.

The issue is your typical, everyday answers just won't do the trick. You need something strong, something that shows you did your research, you are passionate, and you are the perfect fit. It is about standing out with substance.

To get ready for this, we will provide you with 5 impressive answers that will make you stand out. We will also discuss the strategies to get your answer ready for this interview question and go over the mistakes to avoid at all costs when answering it.

Why is it important to effectively answer “What interests you about this role”

 What Interests You About This Role - What Interests You About This Role Tips

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The question, "What interests you about this role?" holds immense importance if answered correctly. It is a great opportunity to show your enthusiasm, qualifications, and suitability for the job and leave a lasting positive impression on the interviewer. Here's why delivering a strong response is crucial:

1. Demonstrates genuine interest & research

A well-crafted answer shows that you haven't applied on a whim. It reveals you invested time in understanding the role's specifics, the company's values, and industry trends. This proactive approach positions you as someone genuinely interested in contributing and not just filling a vacancy.

2. Highlights relevant skills & experience

When you elaborate on what excites you about the role, you can subtly weave in your relevant skills and experience. Discuss specific aspects of the job description that match your strengths and accomplishments. This creates a clear connection between your qualifications and the value you can bring to the team.

3. Signals cultural fit & alignment

Your response offers a window into your motivations and career aspirations. Talking about the parts of the job that connect with your values and ambitions lets you show how well you would fit in with the company culture. This creates a sense of compatibility and hints to the hiring manager that you would thrive within the work environment.

4. Sparks engaging conversation & rapport

An insightful answer acts as a springboard for further discussion. It allows the interviewer to look deeper into your thought process, ask clarifying questions, and gauge your understanding of the role's requirements. This interactive exchange develops rapport and showcases your communication skills.

5. Sets the stage for further negotiations

If you can clearly show your enthusiasm and skills in your response, you are in a stronger position when talking about salary or future career growth. It positions you as someone who invested in the role and the company which makes you more attractive as a candidate during the job interview.

Crafting impressive answers: 6 things you should consider when answering “What interests you about this role”

The interview question, "What interests you about this role?" might seem simple but a truly impressive answer requires thought and preparation. Here are 6 key factors you should consider for crafting an answer that will leave a lasting impression:

I. Personalize it

Forget generic responses like "seeking new challenges" or "liking the company culture" that could apply to any job. Instead, draw a direct line between your skills, experiences, and the unique aspects of the role.  

Maybe it is a particular responsibility, a project they are working on, or a skill you are excited to use. Speak directly to these elements and show that you have thought about how your unique skills and experiences align with what they are looking for.

II. Focus on the "why"

Rather than listing generic job duties or responsibilities, look into the reasons behind your interest in the role. Share why the specific aspects of the job excite you and how they connect with your passion and skills.

This could be tied to your passion, your career goals, or even the company's values. Maybe the role offers an opportunity for growth or allows you to make a meaningful impact. Be genuine in expressing why this role isn't just another job for you but a crucial step in your career journey.

III. Research the company & role

What Interests You About This Role - Research the company

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Go beyond the job description. Before the interview, thoroughly research the company and the role you are applying for. Dig deeper into the company website, news articles, and social media to understand their current projects, industry standing, and future goals. 

Prosple's graduate and day-in-the-life stories offer valuable insights for researching different Australian companies and the graduate roles they offer. These stories provide firsthand accounts of experiences with these companies and give you a glimpse into the company culture, work environment, and the day-to-day responsibilities of various roles.

Identify specific aspects of the role that align with your personal career goals. Mention a recent achievement of the company that impressed you and explain how your skills could contribute to similar successes. You can also talk about specific aspects of the company or role that stood out to you during your research.

IV. Quantify your impact

Whenever possible, back up your claims with quantifiable achievements. Mention specific achievements from your academics or past experiences that relate to the responsibilities of the new role. This adds credibility to your claims and also gives the interviewer a tangible idea of how you can help the company be successful.

V. Connect to long-term goals

Think bigger than just the day-to-day tasks. How does this role fit into your career trajectory? Are you looking to gain leadership experience? Start by articulating where you see yourself in the future and why this particular role is a stepping stone towards that vision.

Be specific about the skills you hope to gain, the experiences you aim to accumulate, and how this position aligns with your professional aspirations.

VI. Be enthusiastic & confident

Your delivery matters just as much as your content. Speak with genuine excitement and let your passion for the role shine through in your response. Project confidence in your abilities and how you can contribute. Share specific aspects of the job that genuinely excite you and convey your eagerness to contribute to the company’s growth.

What Interests You About This Role - Interview body language

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Be confident in your delivery. Maintain eye contact, speak clearly, and avoid filler words. Confidence reassures the prospective employer that you believe in your ability. We are not asking you to be overly boastful but rather to present yourself as someone who knows their strengths and is ready to apply them to contribute positively to the team.

5 sample answers to “What interests you about this role”

Let's look at the practical side of things and talk about 5 great answers to this question. Now remember, these are just examples to spark your creativity and give you an idea of how to approach this question. 

By no means should you use them verbatim; rather, use them as inspiration and customize your answer to your unique experiences and aspirations.

Example Answer 1

As a recent graduate with a strong interest in environmental sustainability, I am incredibly drawn to the Waste Reduction Coordinator role at Green Earth Solutions. Your dedication to developing innovative composting solutions aligns perfectly with my academic background in environmental science and my desire to contribute to a greener future

Particularly, the prospect of working on the Community Composting Initiative project excites me. My research experience in compost bin optimization could be valuable in improving the efficiency of the program, and I am eager to learn from industry experts like your team.

Example Answer 2

As a graduate with a degree in computer science, I am excited by the challenges and opportunities to learn and grow. The Junior Penetration Tester role at CyberShield Security offers both in abundance. 

The chance to tackle complex ethical hacking simulations alongside experienced professionals while contributing to real-world projects like enhancing the security of the hospital network is exactly what I am looking for. 

My academic foundation in network security protocols and penetration testing tools has prepared me for the technical aspects and I am looking forward to honing my skills further in a fast-paced environment.

Example Answer 3

During my research on Starlight Studios, I was impressed by your commitment to social impact storytelling and fostering inclusive workspaces which strongly resonates with my values. This, coupled with the collaborative and open-minded work environment you cultivated, makes the Multimedia Content Creator role incredibly appealing. 

The opportunity to develop educational videos for underprivileged communities directly aligns with my passion for empowering others through accessible knowledge and would allow me to contribute meaningfully to your company's mission. 

I am confident that my collaborative spirit, storytelling skills, and diverse cultural background would make me a valuable asset to your team.

Example Answer 4

As a lifelong gamer with a background in creative writing, the Narrative Designer role at Dreamscape Studios immediately caught my attention. The prospect of applying my world-building skills and understanding of player psychology to develop immersive narratives for your virtual reality games is incredibly exciting. 

My previous experience in writing interactive fiction developed my skills in crafting branching storylines and memorable characters which I believe could be valuable in creating believable and engaging experiences for your players. I am excited to contribute to pushing the boundaries of interactive storytelling and creating games that leave a lasting impact.

Example Answer 5

Having recently completed my degree in marketing, I am drawn to the Social Media Marketing Specialist role at Pawsome Pets because it offers a clear path for career growth and development within the pet industry

Gaining experience in building brand awareness through social media campaigns aligns perfectly with my long-term goal of pursuing a career in pet marketing. 

Additionally, your company's focus on animal welfare and sustainability is something I admire and would be proud to contribute to. My strong work ethic, creative thinking, and passion for animals will allow me to excel in this role and become a valuable member of your team.

Why do employers ask “What interests you about this role”?

Interviewers ask a lot of questions during your job search but few hold as much weight as the classic, "What interests you about this position?". Let's discuss 5 key reasons why employers ask this seemingly simple question:

A. Assess your research & understanding

This question is a litmus test to gauge your investment in the specific role. They want to gauge how well you understand the specific requirements of the position. Did you research the responsibilities, challenges, and potential impact? Or are you just applying shotgun-style to any open position? 

A well-crafted answer that highlights specific aspects of the role and how they align with your skills and interests demonstrates initiative and genuine enthusiasm.

B. Identify potential red flags

Sometimes people apply for jobs for less-than-ideal reasons. Maybe they need any job to pay the bills or perhaps they are using this opportunity as a stepping stone to something completely different. While these are valid motivations, employers need to know if their candidate is truly invested in the specific role and the company.

A vague or generic answer, like "I need a job" or "I'm interested in any opportunity," could raise red flags about your commitment. On the other hand, a detailed response that showcases your passion for the role's specific tasks and challenges reassures the employer that you are not just there for the paycheck.

C. Start a deeper conversation

This question goes beyond just assessing your qualifications. When you share what excites you about the role, you are opening the door for a two-way dialogue where the employer can learn more about your values, goals, and work style. This is crucial for them to assess if you are a cultural fit and someone who will thrive within their team.

D. Predict your staying power

Hiring and training new employees takes time and resources. Employers want someone genuinely excited about the role and likely to stay around for a long time. A generic answer that shows that you are only interested in landing any role rather than the company or role itself doesn't inspire confidence in your long-term commitment.

However, when you express that you are interested in this position and the challenges, responsibilities, and potential impact it offers, it speaks volumes about your engagement and motivation. This suggests that more than just filling a temporary gap, you see yourself growing and contributing to the role and the company over time.

E. Evaluate your cultural fit

This question helps employers assess if you will gel well with their team and environment. They are looking for someone who has the right skills and also meshes well with the existing team dynamics. 

Sharing what excites you about the role reveals a piece of your professional personality. Does your enthusiasm align with the company's values? Are you drawn to the collaborative or independent nature of the work? Highlighting aspects that match your work style shows that you are both qualified and a culturally good fit.

F. Assess your articulation & communication skills

What Interests You About This Role - Articulation & communication skills

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Employers want team members who can effectively communicate their thoughts and ideas. When you express your interest in the role, they are evaluating your ability to articulate your thoughts clearly and concisely. Your response provides insights into your communication skills, which are crucial for effective collaboration and conveying information within the workplace.

6 Common mistakes to avoid when answering “What interests you about this role”

We have all been there – striving for that optimal answer that would set us apart in an interview. Remember, your answer is always the best but knowing what to avoid can prevent missteps. So let's explore 6 common mistakes to avoid in successfully answering interview questions.

i. Using clichés & generic statements

The interviewer has heard "I'm a team player" or "I'm a fast learner" a thousand times. Your generic statements blend into the background noise and fail to showcase what makes YOU unique and excited about this specific role. You appear uninterested or unprepared which can leave the interviewer unconvinced about your sincerity and enthusiasm for the job.

ii. Focusing solely on salary or benefits

Another pitfall is fixating too much on the financial aspects – the salary and benefits. Of course, compensation is essential but it is not the sole driving factor for accepting a job. 

If your response centres around how much you will earn or the perks you will receive, it gives the impression that you are more concerned about what you can extract from the company rather than what you can bring to the table.

iii. Overemphasis on personal advancement

While it is natural to discuss career growth and development, overemphasizing personal advancement in your response can be a mistake. Without showing how you can contribute to the company, it can be perceived as using the company as a means to an end rather than genuinely valuing the role and the organization.

iv. Being overly scripted or insincere

One of the traps candidates often fall into is being overly scripted or sounding insincere in their responses. If your answer sounds too rehearsed or lacks authenticity, it can create doubts that you are just telling the interviewer what you think they want to hear, rather than expressing your true motivations.

v. Downplaying your achievements

Some candidates might shy away from showcasing their accomplishments, thinking it comes off as arrogant. However, when the question is about your interest in the role, highlight the relevant achievements that make you a strong fit. If you don't highlight your accomplishments, you sell yourself short and they might miss critical information about your skills and experiences.

vi. Forgetting to customize your response

The generic response you used for previous interviews might save time but it also shows a lack of effort and genuine interest in the specific role and company. Treat each interview as unique and customize your answer accordingly. A generic response lessens your chances of standing out among other candidates who have put in the effort to tailor their answers.

Prosple: Your launchpad to dream graduate jobs

What Interests You About This Role - Prosple

Prosple is a dynamic platform that is at the forefront of recruitment and career development. It offers a range of features designed to enhance the job-seeking experience for graduates. Our platform empowers graduating students with the tools and information needed to confidently navigate the job search and find the dream graduate role.

a. Curated job listings

We meticulously review and select graduate job opportunities from across various industries, ensuring they align with your academic background, career aspirations, and skillset. Our listings provide clear descriptions of job responsibilities, requirements, and benefits so you can make informed decisions and prioritize applications.

You can easily filter and search for jobs based on specific criteria, like location, salary, industry, and job type. You can also use the Work Rights feature to filter job listings based on your work authorization status. 

This saves you time and effort by only showing opportunities you are eligible for and reduces the frustration of applying to jobs you cannot accept.

b. In-depth company insights

Prosple gives you valuable insights into potential employers before you apply. These include:

  • Mission, vision, and values
  • Employee reviews and ratings
  • Recent news and developments
  • Company culture and work environment
  • Information about internships and graduate programs

This knowledge allows you to tailor your application materials and interview performance to resonate with the company's specific needs and expectations.

c. Comprehensive career resources

Prosple is your one-stop shop for all your career development needs. Our platform offers:

These resources equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel throughout the application process and secure your dream job.

d. Advanced matching algorithms

Our intelligent platform uses advanced algorithms to match your profile with relevant job opportunities. It analyzes your academic background, skills, interests, and career goals to suggest jobs that strongly fit.

This increases your chances of landing an interview. You can adjust your preferences and refine your search criteria at any time to discover new opportunities that align with your evolving aspirations.

e. Notifications & alerts

Stay informed and never miss out on a potential opportunity with Prosple's notification system. You will receive alerts about new job postings that match your profile, upcoming application deadlines, and important events. This real-time information ensures you can act promptly and submit timely applications, maximizing your chances of success.


During your interview, when they ask you, "What interests you about this role", your answer weaves a narrative that can either captivate or leave a forgettable imprint. It is your chance to shine and set yourself apart in the competitive job market. So be thoughtful in your reply – find the delicate balance and make sure your response hits the right notes.

Prosple's robust platform significantly increases your chances of landing your dream graduate job in Australia. It lists thousands of graduate jobs and internships from top companies in Australia, across a wide range of industries. You can search for jobs by keyword, location, industry, and employer, and you can also apply for jobs directly through our website.

Join Prosple now and get on the path to shape your future